
Helen Collett

Helen Collett SRO, DBO, D

Helen is an internationally recognised speaker in orthoptics and lectures medical professionals. She keeps up to date with the cutting edge of orthoptics and ophthalmology by regularly attending training conferences.

She is an Expert Orthoptic Witness in the United Kingdom and Associate Lecturer at Anglia Ruskin University Medical School.

Helen set up Ophthalmic Diagnostics Technology Training for Health Care Support Workers in 2020. She developed a program including policy implementation, competencies, audit and ongoing support of staff to provide nurse led diagnostic clinics. Teaching clinical skills in testing of visual fields, OCT scans, decision making, clinic administration and audit.

She advises the British and Irish Orthoptic Society on private practice, medico-legal and ophthalmic technology. Between 1984-2006 she managed and developed orthoptic and diagnostic services at Mid Essex NHS Trust. She trained as Orthoptist and as a Glaucoma Technician at Moorfield’s Eye Hospital, London.

Helen is a registered Orthoptist with the Health Professions Council and a member of professional bodies including: British & Irish Orthoptic Society, International Orthoptic Association, British and Irish Paediatric Ophthalmic Strabismus Association, International Glaucoma Association and Royal Society of Medicine.

Using her extensive experience, Helen supported a range of consultant ophthalmologists in private practice. She retired from clinical private practice in January 2021 but maintains her lecturing and expert witness practice.


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Orthoptic treatment has cured my symptoms of eyestrain - and helped me to read the computer screen and spreadsheets more clearly..


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